Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vitamin C - Absorbic Acid

Vitamin C is supplement with a lot of conflicting opinions. Mainstream medicine seems to reject it's effectiveness while diehards swear by it. Personally, I find that it very effective. However, I think you need to have a serious problem to really notice it. If you are generally heathy I don't think it's going to have very noticeable results and I think this is why mainstream medicine hasn't embraced Linus Pauling's ideas.

When I started taking vitamin C in absorbic acid form, I noticed that my stomach flattened and that water retention and swelling disappeared. I attribute this to the anti-histamine properties of the vitamin C as I'm dealing with some serious digestive problems and I believe food allergies are a result of this.

I take about 15 to 20 grams a day. A lot for most people, but I find it incredibly helpful. Small doses simply aren't effective for me and I suspect this is case for most people. I think Vitamin C is just something you need to have large doses of in order to see results and even then it may not be effective unless you've got a noticeable health problem.


Pantethine is a very useful for fighting fungal infections. It works very similar to molybdenum by helping the body to break down the fungal alcohol poisons. By taking pantethine I find that I can prevent the fungus from spreading and keep control over it.

When I first started taking pantethine I noticed a sudden improvement in my mood and sleep. Dreaming also appeared to improve. I also noticed that zits on my forehead began to clear. My urine also began to stink a lot more for the first week or so while taking it. Evidence of the pantethine helping the body detox.

When my father started taking pantethine he noticed his nose clearing of stuffiness that he had been experiencing for years. Finally after more than 10 years he could breath easily. I can't be certain about exactly why this happened, but it's clearly due to some kind of blockage being removed due to toxicity.

I find that pantethine works better for me when taken with small amounts of apple sauce. This is most likely just because I developed a hypoglycemia being on the low sugar candida diet. I think the sugar in the apple sauce supports my kidneys which then makes the pantethine more capable of doing it's job.

I use a brand of Pantethine by AOR.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lots Of Lemon

Fresh Lemon Juice

With small amounts of lemon juice I notice my forehead often clears of acne within 24 hours. This is most likely happening because the liver is cleansed of stagnant toxicity and then begins to catch up. Zits are usually a sign that the liver is backlogged so if lemon helps clear zits then it's probably just because the liver got boosted.

I've find that large amounts fresh squeezed lemon juice can be a very powerful liver and kidney cleanser with lasting effects. I try to have 8 fresh squeezed lemons in a glass once a day. I find that if I drink a glass of 8 lemons my body will detox at a faster rate. I know this because I can see the discolouration in my fingernails improving and spots of fungus on my skin beginning to finally clear after long periods of no progress.

I think what happens with large amounts of lemon juice is that you cleanse the liver and kill fungus simultaneously. Because of this the liver is mostly focused on cleaning itself and not the whole body. So I actually notice more zits for a few days. When I stop drinking the large doses of lemon juice what seems to happen is that the liver goes back to focusing on the whole body at a more gentle pace and does it's job better because of the increased capacity to do so from the powerful cleansing. So it seems that large amounts of lemon juice acts like Draino for the liver.

I also think that large amounts of lemon juice acts like an anti-septic for the gallbladder and bile ducts. It may also be helping to dissolve stagnant bile and gallstones.

I believe what's happening with the lemon juice is that it's forcing the liver to produce more enzymes and this is breaking down the excess amounts of toxins that are preventing my liver from detoxing my body normally.

Another side effect of occasional large doses of lemon is mental clarity for a few days afterwards. I think this may be unique to me because my liver is so toxic that it prevents me from absorbing nutrients that allow me to feel good. When I high dose with lemon it seems to boost the liver and clear whatever pathways are not allowing these nutrients to work.

I also find that lemon helps with digestion, but I can't have too much of it. Half to one full lemon with each meal is generally good. More than this dilutes stomach acid. I also find it's best to sit the lemon juice throughout the meal.

Dehydrated Lemon Juice

As an experiment I've dehydrated fresh squeezed lemon juice to see if it would allow me to ingest larger amounts of lemon with meals without diluting my stomach acid. I simply squeezed lemon juice into cigarette ashtrays (only thing that fits) and placed them into a food dehydrator. After 24 hours I'm left with a very sticky sour residue. I scrap or lick this residue with my meals. I find the lemon juice when dehydrated becomes a lot more concentrated and is much stronger.

The dehydrated lemon juice appears to be a very powerful anti-fungal remedy as well. But, most of this action is probably due to it's antiseptic effect on the liver and kidneys to help you clear any toxic build up.

You can also buy premade organic lemon juice powder from one source in Australia. This product has no additives. Every other place I've found has corn syrup and other additives.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Colostrum is a very powerful immune system enhancer. When I first started taking it I noticed that water retention in my face dropped and that my neckline was more pronounced. I also noticed stinkier urine for a short period and I attribute this to colostrum boosting my immune system and helping my body remove toxins.

Each time I take colostrum I always notice a very small itchy rash on my thumbs and sometimes itching in other spots on the body as well. This is always temporary and fades after a few days. I believe this again just toxins being expelled as the immune system is increased and my body adjusts.

When my stools were not coming out a proper dark brown I noticed that colostrum would make them begin to turn brown. To me this is proof of colostrum's immune enhancing abilities because I believe it helped my immune system fight off an infection in my liver which then helped increase healthy bile output.

I find colostrum is more powerful when taken on an empty stomach, but is also very effective when taken with meals. A very good supplement to take to increase immunity for any type of health problem.

I use a brand of colostrum by AOR. It was recommended by my Naturopath.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bio-Tuner (BT7) By SOTA Instruments

The Bio-Tuner (BT7) by SOTA Instruments is an incredible device to improve your mental well being. I find that after about 3 days of using the device I notice a remarkable change in my mental state. I can concentrate better and experience less stress. Not only that by it's has a powerful effect on dream enhancement, something that I find is dramatically amplified when I also take vitamin B5 on days that I'm using the device.

When I first started using the device I noticed a lot of fungal dieoff (herxheimer reactions). Mostly a lot of acne in the forehead. This rarely happens now. What I believe happens is that the electricity from the device zaps fungus and toxins in your blood and deep tissues. I believe electroporation is also occurring with the device as I notice some of my vitamins begin to work stronger.

Another strange thing I noticed on occasion while using the device is that if I was having a problem with discoloured stools, my stools would become a healthy brown. I credit this to the electroporation helping to increase absorption of molybdenum because I found this strange effect would not occur if I didn't take molybdenum while using the BT-7. The increased absorption of molybdenum through electroporlation I believe caused my liver to detox at a much higher rate.

When you buy the BT-7 I recommend that you buy electrode gel (approx $10). It makes using he machine a lot easier as I find keeping your earlobes wet with water as instructed is not an efficient use of the device. The electrode gel I find gives you a better connection with the device and makes it work a lot better. Just place a little gob on the front and back of your ear lobe and then place a small amount on black rubber piece of the ear clip. This is will give you a perfect connection most of the time.

I also recommend that you may a 9v battery eliminator that can be plugged into the wall. This not only saves on batteries in the long run, but it also ensures that you get consistent results with the device. I find using batteries with the BT-7 to be unreliable as the device doesn't function as good when the batteries get low.

BT 7 Equipment Links

Bio-Tuner (BT7) By SOTA Instruments or
Spectra 360 Electrode Gel

Hot And Cold Shower Hydrotherapy

I have recently begun taking hot and cold showers as a form of physical therapy. I've found it to be one of the most effective methods to cleanse the lymph system. I also noticed that it has a powerful effect on digestion. My stomach is a lot flatter and bloating in my face and neckline is remarkably reduced.

When I first began the hot and cold shower therapy I experienced fungal die off reactions (herxheimer) for a few days as the fungus adjusted to the improved circulation that the showering was giving me. What's really creepy about this therapy for me is that when I switch back and forth between the hot and cold water I can feel the fungus stinging me as it reacts to the improved circulation and releases it's poisons into my skin. It makes me realize how alive this candida organism really is.

To help with circulation and improving lymph flow I also recommend using a ReboundAir mini trampoline ( for Canadians) and a cactus skin brush from the body shop. Both are very powerful lymph cleansers and dramatically reduce bloating.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Malic Acid

I just started taking Malic Acid in the hopes that it would help with my gallstones. As a unexpected side effect it appears to be boosting my energy and having a significant impact on my mood. It also appears to be helping me drift off to sleep a bit sooner. It may be something people with depression or anxiety could benefit from. I find that I'm a lot more relaxed when dealing with people or when working. I also noticed I feel stronger while taking it. Like my muscles could withstand a lot more work.

Malic acid appears to be anti-fungal as I am getting fungal dieoff (herxheimer reactions) while taking it. But, I believe that this anti-fungal side-effect has less to do with being anti-fungal directly and more because the malic acid is improving my body's ability to use energy that the fungus has cut me off from with it's toxins. So it would appear to be starving the fungus while also improving the immune system instead of killing it directly. What is likely happening is that the malic acid is helping to dissolve uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is a byproduct of candida and so if you reduce it then it's most likely going to give you one more method of starving the fungus.

As for the gallstones I can't be totally sure if it's helping. I probably need to take it for a lot longer period of time before I could know for sure. I've read Malic acid can help dissolve stagnate bile, which may be one more reason why I feel better. Most places on the Internet mention how malic acid helps to soften stones, but I couldn't comment on that yet. All I know for sure is that I feel better when taking it. If the malic acid is dissolving stagnant bile that would help to explain the fungal die off reactions as bile is used by the body to expel toxins. A reduction in stagnant bile toxicity would then remove a food source for the fungus and starve it. However, I think the reduction of uric acid is most likely why the fungus is reacting so dramatically to it.

Since malic acid is expensive in vitamin stores online, I purchased my malic acid in bulk from A much cheaper option than buying it by the bottle. I use a 1/4 tablespoon scoop and have safely taken up to 2 scoops with no side effects except increased relaxation and fungal die off reactions. I've read that too much Malic acid can give you diarrhea, but I haven't experienced this yet. In fact I'm surprised that malic acid isn't one of the most recommended products for candida and sold more aggressively in vitamins stores.

It has a very powerful, yet pleasant sour taste. It might be something good to try mixing in with other food.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Lugol's Solution Iodine

Lugol's Solution Iodine is probably one of the most powerful supplements I've ever used. I can remember the first time I used it. One drop of 2% solution in a full glass of water. The next 3 days saw effects that were incredible. A powerful headache, zits all over my forehead, and very stinky urine. A very dramatic cleansing reaction was occurring as the iodine was making it's way through me. When the 3 days was over it all began to fade and the iodine never effected me in that way again.

Since I started taking iodine I've noticed that I never catch colds. That's a total of 3 years without a cold. I believe this is due to the iodine keeping my glands clean. I also noticed that the fungus in my fingernails began to fade away a lot faster then without it.

During other bumps in my road to recovery I've noticed that a few drops of iodine on a empty stomach actually helped to keep my stools a browner color when they kept coming out yellow. I attribute this to excess iodine passing through the bile in the liver and bile ducts where it works to sterilize them. Since yellow stools are a sign that your liver isn't producing enough bile I believe the iodine was disinfecting the liver. I also think this is the main reason why iodine is so effective. Because it sterilizes the bile preventing reinfection or retoxification.

I got my father to take a few drops of iodine a day and he noticed all kinds of skin problems he'd had for years slowly beginning to disappear. His overall immunity has shot way up. He also finds iodine very helpful when rubbed on his skin for infections or skin blemishes.

I generally have about 5 to 7 drops of iodine in a full glass of water 30 minutes before I eat. I have at one point gone up to 25 drops each dose and noticed very powerful healing reactions that had permanent effects, so what a lot of people say about iodine being very dangerous simply aren't true. I wouldn't recommend very high doses for long if at all, and I'd recommend you increase iodine intake very slowly to allow your body to adjust. 1 to 3 drops a day is probably sufficient for a generally healthy person. The found the high doses I took only helped a short term to disinfect my liver of fungus.

If you are going to take iodine I also recommend that you take probiotics regularly just as a precaution. In my experience I find it's a very powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial aid, however you want to make sure that the good bacteria is being replenished. I also suggest that you be careful of your kidneys. If you notice your nose beginning to run this means your kidneys are having a bit of trouble getting rid of all the toxins that the iodine is displacing. Increasing salt or decreasing the iodine may be helpful.

I buy my iodine from in 16oz bottles of the 2% solution.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Spirulina is a powerful detoxifier. When I first starting taking it I was getting very strong heirxhiemer reactions. A lot of fungal dieoff and zits that didn't seem to stop. On top of this I was passing gas almost all day long. Eventually these symptoms began to fade and my overall status began to improve. So it's definitely anti-fungal, but I wonder if it's more because it's supporting healthy gut bacteria. Something it's claimed to do, but in my case the browner stools I experienced would be strong evidence of this.

When I first started taking the spirulina I kept increasing my intake by about 500mgs a meal every few days. I went up to about 20grams a day which I felt was too strong. The fungal dieoff was too much for my eliminatory organs to deal with. After a while I've tapered off my intake to about 1 to 2 grams per meal three times a day for maintenance.

Another thing I noticed when I started taking spirulina was that my fingernails began to grow in smoother with less ridges. I attribute this to the spirulina enhancing digestion and helping to absorb micro-nutrients.

Lastly, spirulina seems to really give me an increase in energy and vigor. I find that my muscles seem harder and my veins even seem to pop out a bit more. I feel stronger and less sensitive. I'm guessing this is do to the large amount of bio-available amino acids in the spirulina.


Spirulina works well with Chlorella. The general rule is to take half as much chlorella as you do spirulina. And you should increase your intake very slowly with both of these supplements as your body needs time to adjust and eliminate toxins before it can take more of it.

I use a brand of spirulina called EarthRise. I buy it by the pound to save money as spirulina can get expensive if you plan on taking it for long periods.