Friday, January 6, 2012

Lugol's Solution Iodine

Lugol's Solution Iodine is probably one of the most powerful supplements I've ever used. I can remember the first time I used it. One drop of 2% solution in a full glass of water. The next 3 days saw effects that were incredible. A powerful headache, zits all over my forehead, and very stinky urine. A very dramatic cleansing reaction was occurring as the iodine was making it's way through me. When the 3 days was over it all began to fade and the iodine never effected me in that way again.

Since I started taking iodine I've noticed that I never catch colds. That's a total of 3 years without a cold. I believe this is due to the iodine keeping my glands clean. I also noticed that the fungus in my fingernails began to fade away a lot faster then without it.

During other bumps in my road to recovery I've noticed that a few drops of iodine on a empty stomach actually helped to keep my stools a browner color when they kept coming out yellow. I attribute this to excess iodine passing through the bile in the liver and bile ducts where it works to sterilize them. Since yellow stools are a sign that your liver isn't producing enough bile I believe the iodine was disinfecting the liver. I also think this is the main reason why iodine is so effective. Because it sterilizes the bile preventing reinfection or retoxification.

I got my father to take a few drops of iodine a day and he noticed all kinds of skin problems he'd had for years slowly beginning to disappear. His overall immunity has shot way up. He also finds iodine very helpful when rubbed on his skin for infections or skin blemishes.

I generally have about 5 to 7 drops of iodine in a full glass of water 30 minutes before I eat. I have at one point gone up to 25 drops each dose and noticed very powerful healing reactions that had permanent effects, so what a lot of people say about iodine being very dangerous simply aren't true. I wouldn't recommend very high doses for long if at all, and I'd recommend you increase iodine intake very slowly to allow your body to adjust. 1 to 3 drops a day is probably sufficient for a generally healthy person. The found the high doses I took only helped a short term to disinfect my liver of fungus.

If you are going to take iodine I also recommend that you take probiotics regularly just as a precaution. In my experience I find it's a very powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial aid, however you want to make sure that the good bacteria is being replenished. I also suggest that you be careful of your kidneys. If you notice your nose beginning to run this means your kidneys are having a bit of trouble getting rid of all the toxins that the iodine is displacing. Increasing salt or decreasing the iodine may be helpful.

I buy my iodine from in 16oz bottles of the 2% solution.

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