Vitamin C is supplement with a lot of conflicting opinions. Mainstream medicine seems to reject it's effectiveness while diehards swear by it. Personally, I find that it very effective. However, I think you need to have a serious problem to really notice it. If you are generally heathy I don't think it's going to have very noticeable results and I think this is why mainstream medicine hasn't embraced Linus Pauling's ideas.
I take about 15 to 20 grams a day. A lot for most people, but I find it incredibly helpful. Small doses simply aren't effective for me and I suspect this is case for most people. I think Vitamin C is just something you need to have large doses of in order to see results and even then it may not be effective unless you've got a noticeable health problem.
hey do you take 15 to 20 grams all at once ?